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Hand-Picked Husband (HEATHER MACALLISTER). - Скачать | Читать книгу …

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작성자 Leigh
댓글 0건 조회 11회 작성일 23-11-18 02:04


Wmlogs - https://wmlogs.com/ko/market/i/thehunter-call-of-the-wild-epic-games-akkaunt-plus-pochta-38394. Представляем для скачивания и чтения книгу Hand-Picked Husband от известного автора HEATHER MACALLISTER.

Произведение -го года.

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Name: Clay BarnettAge: 26Occupation: RancherThe whole state of Texas is convinced Autumn Reese was born to be Clayton Barnett' s bride. And nothing she or Clay say or do can convince the world otherwise. Unless, of course, they find their own marriage partners? Which is why they' ve both signed up with the Yellow Rose Matchmakers. Only, watching Clay date other women has made Autumn realize that perhaps the man she' s always thought of as Mr. Wrong may be oh so right!Texas Grooms Wanted!Only cowboys need apply!

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